Video Game timelines are common these days and if you trawl the internet, you will find plenty of them.

We like elements of this one from Curtis Rochelle (Source) and we like many more.

The reference to Tennis for Two connects well to our journey and what we associate with and why but your journey may not.

You might be born after 2000 for instance! So many more moments post 2000. We will get there too.

No matter when you got in to video games and via which brand(s) they are all special journeys. In fact, we would like to do our own timeline at some stage and perhaps it could mirror what we do whilst we are #KeepingTheGameAlive. What do you think?

The beauty of a life in video games is that your journey can be very personal and sometimes you may have somewhat intimate moments with some games. Don't be rude now..

The bottom line is that some games and some levels and moments within games hit the spot more than others for all of us. Even game characters within those environments and how you engaged with them.

Now wouldn't it be cool if we could design apparel that not only connects to the game, but the moment in time when on the journey and it was very personal? Maybe we should try that. What do you think?

Anyway, we have begun our journey together and we really hope you continue to enjoy that with us as we move through time #KeepingTheGameAlive.

Please do continue to engage with us and share your game moments in time that are special to you.

We welcome the conversation on all our social channels. Just today we were discussing other Bitmap Brothers IP and we were given a great design idea that connects to Gods which was another game on our journey.

Thanks again for being on this journey with us.

If you have not yet joined as a VIP, please do.


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